Roadean - 1937 Yearbook
This Yearbook was donated to our Black Star Web Site for all to enjoy by The Hackler Family - Stella, Clyde and Sara
In Remembrance of Our Classmate - Jean Roberts
Gone-not to us, but alive and dear to those who love you. Happy landing through all eternity. - Sylvia Mae Fraim.
May the picture of your sunny smile, thoughtfulness, and sweetness be a guide to make ourselves as well thought of as you. - Gladys Elwood.
In our mind, your vacant chair can never be replaced, by a more studious person than you. - Alberta Phipps.
I held the highest of respect for you, Jean. -- Eldon Hill.
Gone, but not forgotten. - Alfred Montgomery.
I may not have been as close a friend as some, but I shall never forget you as a classmate. - J.M. Kelly
Jean, you will always be remembered by me as one of my dearest schoolmates. - Cleda Steele.
A dear classmate has gone and left us; Whom on earth we loved so well. We all bowed our heads in sorrow; As we cried and said farewell. She is gone but not forgotten; In our mind she lingers still. As we go into our classrooms, Her vacant chair cannot be filled. ---- Lora Shoupe and Tinie Taylor.
Jean, you have left in my heart a light which will never burn low. - Tom Elliott
A real pal, my ideal girl friend. Asleep - but not forever. - Pruda Reed.
Jean, you will always be remembered as one of my best friends. - Eloise Greene.
For she was jes' the quiet kind Whose natures never vary, Like streams that keep a summer mind Snowhid in January. - K. Wiley.
SENIORS - ELOISE GREENE - Dramatics - '33-'37, Glee Club - '33-'37, Pep Club - '36, Paper Club - '36, Basketball - '37, Debate - '36, Young Americans - '36, Literary Society - '32 - 33
LOIS FREEMAN - Glee Club - '34 - '37, Nature Club - '33-'35, Etiquette Club - '34-'35, Girls Reserve - '34, Dramatics - '34-37, Debating Club - '36
WOODROW TERRELL - Dramatics - '33-'37, Basketball - '34-'37, Citizenship Club - '37, Better Speech Club - '37, Paper Club - '37, Harmony Club - '34
DON THOMAS - Basketball -'37, Paper Club - '36, Citizenship Club - '37, Better Speech - '37, Dramatics - '33-'37, Boy Scout - '34
JOEY KEYES - Dramatics - '31-'32, Glee Club - '31-'32, Pep Club -'31-'32, Basketball - '31-'37,
STELLA HACKLER - Dramatics - '28-'30, Basketball - '28-'37, Debate Club - '26
MERLE MOORE - Paper Club - '32-'33, Basketball - '32-'33, Glee Club - '33-'34, Pep Club - '33-'34, Girl Reserve - '35
OLLIE MONTGOMERY - Literary Club - '36, Dramatics - '36, Debate Team - '36
JOHN HUGHES - Boys Glee Club - '32-'37, Dramatics - '33-'37, Paper Club - '34-'36, Boy Scouts - '34-'37, Class President - '37, Football - '33-'37, Quartet - '36-'37, Young Americans - '35, Student Council - '36, Annual Staff - '37
SYLVIA MAE FRAIM - Glee Club - '33-'37, Dramatics - '33-'37, Paper Club - '34-'36, Trio - '36, Octet - '37, Contralto Soloist - '37, Band - '37, Girl Reserve -'35, Basketball - '33-'37, Class Secretary - '37
NANNIE JOHNSON - Dramatic Club - '35, Home Making - '35
WILLARD PHIPPS - Glee Club - '33-'37, Quartet - '37, Octet - '37, Bass Soloist -'37, Dramatics - '35-'37, Basketball - '33-'37, Annual Staff - '37, Class Vice President - '37, Student Council - '36
DIVORCE GRANTED Miss Eloise Greene received her maiden name for the third time when she was granted divorce from her second husband, Mr. Bill Carroll, who was charged with cruelty. It was proved that he broght home Irish potatoes when Eloise wanted soup beans and therefore ruined a reception that she was giving that afternoon.
PHIPPS TO TOUR EUROPE Willard Phipps, Republican presidential candiate in 1940, said today he was considering a trip to Europe in the early summer. It will be his first trip to Europe. Published reports says he will sail about June 10 and visit Paris and Rome.
HUGHES TAKES COLLEGE JOB John Hughes, who is on an unexplained trip to Switzerland, is expected to return soon to his new position as professor at Union College. He is an expert in music and mathmatics. He is a graduate of the University of Podunk.
DISH-BREAKER ARRESTED The furniture and dish breaking complex of Raymond Burnette, brought a thirty day work-house sentence Monday. Burnette was arrested Saturday night by police called to his home by his wife, Sylvia Mae. Sylvia states that she thinks she can get along without him for awhile.
HE PARKED Billy Croley was under reckless driving charge today after his automobile was alleged to have struck a bicycle on which Nannie Johnson was riding. Mrs. Johnson was not hurt severely.
HOPPING It humiliates bullfrogs to hear the Miss Ollie Montgomery, aviatrix, first hop was 2,400 miles.
NEEDS UN-SMOKED GLASSES Lee Land, class '37 Black Star High School turned to play writing. He was writing a play called "Love at First Sight". He got along all right until he found out the hero was about 75 years old, so he had to change the title to "Love at Second Sight".
DUCE LOVE AFFAIR Madame Loise Freeman today told the examining magistrate that the shattered love affair with Premior Woodrow Terrell caused her to attempt suicide in her apartment in Rome last week. She told the court that she would rather die than never see him again.
THOMAS LANDS JOB It is reported that Don Thomas will be promoted to assistant manager of the A and P grocery store at Pineville, Ky. He got his excellent managing experience while manager the candy and book store at Black Star School.
PASSES BAV Mr. Merle Moore, formerly of Black Star, now living in N.Y., has passed the California bar examinations and has been introduced before the State Supreme Court.
JUNIORS JUNIOR CLASS POEM "Tis time for the Juniors to think of next year, When our rings and pins we'll get to wear, It is then we'll be Seniors and be so proud To live up to our promises that we have vowed.
But as Seniors say, and they should know, "If you get through your last year you'll have to row".
By rowing they eman we'll have to work, and none of our responsibilities must we shirk, But we Juniors don't mind that, you know So when we become Seniors, just watch us go. ----Cecil Martin
JUNIOR CLASS Taking the school as a whole, which is the outstanding class in Black Star School? This is a very simple question and can be answered in one simple word. The word is JUNIOR. We (the Junior Class) are not boasting but we think the '36-'37 Juniors are the most intelligent group of students ever assembled in one class at Black Star. Black Star was very successful in all activities in which the school took part this year, and statistics show the Juniors have contributed largely to this success. Henry Carter was selected as the best baritone soloist in the Music Festival at Pineville, and competed in the state contest at Lexington. Mr. Keleman organized an up-an-coming band of which Gladys Ellwood is Drum Major. Black Star was runners=up in the District Basketball tournament held at Loyall. Three Juniors, Helton, Reynolds, and Kelley, were given all-tournament honors. The school edited its first annual this year. Five of a staff of eight were juniors. The school paper showed great improvement, and the Juniors are due much credit for this. The Honarary Press Club, eight students who were outstanding in gathering news and writing stories, named Juniors, including the Editor-in-chief, Associate Editor, Business Manager, and the Feature Story Writer. Each year the best scholars are picked to enter the Scholastic Tests. We are proud of the fact that six of the eleven students who entered this year, were Juniors. A new activity, debate opened to the students this year, requires open-minded persons who are fast thinkers and good speakers. Of five students actually four were Juniors. Upon the shoulders of boys and girls such as these will soon fall the burdens of this nation.
--Tom E.
Daisy Mae Barton, Ila Mae Burdine, Emaline Burnette,Rhea Clark, Della Carroll, Gladys Carroll, Fauvetta Carter, Dorothy Cox, Christine Farmer, Mary Harkness, Christine Helton, Anna Mae Helton, Flossie Hensley, Pauline Hubbard, Selma Hughes, Maurene Jones, Pauline Hubbard, Selma Hughes, Maurene Jones, Pauline Steppe, America Taylor, Thelma Wright, Goldie Walters, Stella Stanaford, John Caddell, Carroll Davenport, Harold Davenport, Clifford Fore, Elmer Hall, Harold Kelley, Alfred Montgomery, Harold Moses, Haskell Phipps, Edwin Shoupe, Willis Smith, Alonzo Golden, Edwin Barton, Zula Wilhoit, Thelma Wright
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